Monday, July 31, 2006

Where Are They Now?

Where Are They Now?

Whatever happened to SARS? Remember a couple years ago when SARS was the new "thing"? Everyone was contracting it. It's career was soaring. But, as everyone soon found out, it was just another "fad disease". A flavor of the week. All show, no go. Now, SARS has become so obscure that liking SARS is synonymous to liking Britney Spears post-K-Fed.

Whatever happened to Dave Chappelle? Remember back to 2003-2004 when he was the hottest comic around? His show was pure genius, but somewhere he fell off the wagon and into obscurity. All he left us were his "Lost Episodes" which are really just unaired sketches that are introduced by regulars who used to be on the show.

Whatever happened to my blog? I used to update it somewhat regularly but now I don't even bother. It's because I'm living at home where my parents boast a blazing 56k modem that downloads entire MP3s in the better part of a full week. Two words: SLOW GOINGS.

Rob. Out.