Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Butterfly Effect Indeed

A Butterfly Effect Indeed

7-Eleven dropped Citgo as its gas supplier after 20 years of partnership. Know why they did it? Well, a big reason was because Hugo Chavez likes to hear the sound of his own voice. After calling President Bush a "devil" and an "alcoholic", 7-Eleven decided it would be best not to continue their partnership with Venezuela-backed Citgo Petroleum.

The "official" reason is that Citgo wants to make room for its own new supply of gasoline. However, I think we all know the real reason.

As for the comments that Chavez made. Well, I leave that for you to decide.

Popeye says, "Eat bagged spinach. Wink, wink."
E to the Coli

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Liberal Me

Liberal Me

Man, Bush's second term in office sure has given his critics plenty of material to use against him. Let's see. Alarmingly slow reaction to Katrina. One. An unwarranted, privacy-invading wiretapping incident. Two. A nation-building initiative that has gone so catastrophically wrong that U.S. troops now find themselves in some kind of psuedo-civil war. Three.

Now a bunch of people are saying Osama Bin Laden is dead. Well....

I'd say he's alive and well.