Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I Miss Her From Across The Sea

I Miss Her From Across The Sea

So many great things have been happening lately! I was able to go home this weekend and hang out with my NCC peeps! I went to a hella tight concert featuring Josh Garrels. Awesome, awesome. Did some karaoke with Sean at Cheeseburger In Paradise. I tried this drink while I was there called a Montserrat Volcano. VERY GOOD. Girly, but good. Pineapple-y. On Friday, Sean, Lindsey, and I hit up the bars in downtown Naperville. We ran into this guy we all knew from high school and church. It was fun. I tried Estella for the first time.

Saturday was frickin' awesome. It had a rocky start, but ended up being SO much fun. The plan was to go to Chicago and hit up the bar scene there. Well, Lindsey locked her keys in her car when she got to my house to pick me up. Hilarious. The car was still running. AAA dudes came and unlocked it. It was funny. Then, we had all this trouble trying to meet up with Sean in Chi-town because he was already there waiting for us. We had him get on the wrong train and so it took him forever to get to Lindsey's sister's apartment, where we were supposed to meet. Finally, we meet Sean and go to some bars. Lindsey and I pregamed with a little Corona Light action. I tried a cosmo for the first time (2 actually!). It was bueno! And quite full of alcohol I must say! At the second bar, I tried a Blue Moon. Not bad, not bad. At the third bar, we all got Long Island Iced Teas. They were good. And, of course, pretty much all alcohol. We hailed a cab and went to Jewel to buy more drinks and some food, but they had stopped selling alcohol. Instead, we just bought pizzas and a cheesecake (random) and went back to the apartment. I ate almost an entire pizza myself. Then, I passed out on the couch. Very fun night. Yeah, we were drunk, but we were all of age, and we were all safe. I got to try some new things too.

I really miss Katie. I know that's a big AWWWWWW thing to say, but it's true. Additionally, I think my situation is different than most people who are missing their girlfriend. Most times, when someone is missing their significant other...it's because they haven't seen them in, say, two weeks. That's different than 4 months. And I can't talk to her on the phone at any time. And I can't go visit her on a whim. Why do I have to justify this? I miss her. Period. I'm being weird.

In other news, ISU continues to ROCK! Seriously, I am having such a good time. I met some really nice people in choir today. I'm going to start having dinner with them every Monday and Wednesday. And this guy who lives on my floor is a Christian, and he plays guitar, and we know like all the same songs. So, once his broken arm heals up, we're going to JAM! Okay, peace out, yo.


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